Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Beginning...

But it's not quite the beginning.  Six years ago, when I was fourteen, I had a blog called "Practice Makes Progress."  It was very short-lived for two main reasons: 1)  I had VERY limited access to high-speed internet and technology, and 2) I didn't have anything to say.  The first reason hasn't really changed.  I still live in the country with the same limited internet access and slow-as-molasses connection, but because I can now drive (which I could not do six years ago), I head to Starbucks or the library whenever I need a fast internet fix.
The second reason, on the other hand, has changed drastically in recent years.  I've found myself desiring a place to write and record all of the thoughts and ideas that constantly run through my head.   Many a time I'll stop and think, "This would make a great blog post!"  I also love the idea of having things captured on here like a journal that I can go back and look over in the future.  So here I am starting a brand new blog, but with the same title as the old one.  It still feels like the appropriate name for it...I guess I had that right six years ago, just not the timing!
Just as the saying goes, "Practice makes progress, not perfect," we will never reach perfection here on earth.  We do have this promise, though: "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion at the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 (ESV)  We are constantly being shaped and refined as we progress in our journey to be like Christ.  This blog is about celebrating that daily journey.  

So thank you for joining be on the (second) maiden voyage of "Practice Makes Progress!"  May you be blessed and encouraged by what you read here!

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